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How to Create an Email Subject Line That People Will Want to Open

RULE 1: Your subject line must be attention-grabbing

According to research conducted by the Radicati Group, a technology market research firm, 1.9 billion non-spam emails are sent daily. By 2019, it is projected that the average business user will receive approximately 96 emails each day. Consequently, distinguishing your email amidst this volume has become increasingly challenging.

To ensure that your emails are opened, it is crucial to craft subject lines that compel readers. Specifically, your subject line should clearly convey value to your clients—essentially focusing on “you phrasing.”

“You phrasing” is a technique that emphasises the recipient (you/your) rather than the sender (me/us/we/our). In today’s fast-paced environment, individuals do not have the time to engage with emails that purely benefit your business; your communication must focus on what they stand to gain. The reader’s primary concern is “What’s in it for me?” Therefore, it is imperative to continually capture their attention by clearly outlining the advantages they will receive upon opening your email.

Can you feel the difference in the following subject lines?

Subject line 1:

  • We Can Save You Tax With an Outsourced Accountant


Subject line 2:

  • How to Cut Your Tax in Half (Legally)


Given the choice between subject lines 1 and 2, which one would you be more inclined to click on? Bear in mind that you have nearly 100 other emails to consider.

You are likely more tempted by Subject Line 2. This option effectively uses “you phrasing” and clearly communicates a significant benefit—halving the amount of tax your leads currently pay. If this is an advantage you can present, make it explicit in your subject line!

What’s wrong with the first subject line? First of all, you are talking about yourselves by using “We” rather than “You”. By adding ‘You’ and ‘Your’, you’ve already told your reader this is what ‘you’ get by opening this email. And secondly, there’s no need to tell them in the subject line ‘how’ you’re going to reduce their tax (“With an Outsourced Accountant”). You can save those details for the inside of your email.

RULE 2: Use Title Case

This is Where Each Word is Capitalised in the Subject Line e.g.

Capitalise Every Word Except for Prepositions and Articles of Three Characters or Less. This ensures your emails stick out that much more…..That Much More.

RULE 3: Make use of short titles to ensure the whole subject line can be read before readers have to open the email

For example:

“For BUSINESS OWNERS… See Inside if You Want to Know How to Cut Your Tax in Half (Legally).”

Although this title is very enticing, it would be cut off and readers would most likely only see “For BUSINESS OWNERS… See Inside if You Wa”.

Hardly enticing now, is it?! Make it juicy and the shorter the better!


Please take a moment to review the email subject lines in your inbox, particularly those from companies that do not typically capture your interest. Identify any that compel you to click and open them.

As you evaluate these subject lines, bear in mind that personal interests may influence their appeal. An enticing subject line might resonate with you due to a specific interest or anticipation for an email on that topic. Please consider this context during your assessment.


  1. Make sure you use an attention grabbing headline
  2. Use Title Case. Capitalise Every Word Except for Prepositions and Articles of Three Characters or Less.
  3. Use a Short Title
  4. When you receive emails from businesses, what is it the email subject is saying that makes you click on their emails


Hopefully this will help more of your emails get opened straight away by your leads (and clients)!

BOSS has a service offering businesses a chance to take on an outsourced accountant with only a minimum of 50 hours per month. It’s a fixed fee service where BOSS takes on all the risk. Think no budget overruns and no financial write-offs as companies can enjoy knowing how much the job is going to cost before the job begins! An outsourced accountant just got even better….

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