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Creative Ad Copy Secrets to Help Sell Your Services!

Part 23

Step Ten: You Can’t Lose! By Marlon Sanders

An outsourced accountant on a fixed fee plan means no more budget overruns for good!

Prove to the customer he/she can’t lose by responding to your offer

Explain to your customer that they can’t lose by buying from you. The worst case scenario is they get their money back and get to keep some valuable free bonuses.

What this means to the customer is they don’t have to worry about screwing up, making a mistake and being embarrassed in front of their friends, family or coworkers. It’s a risk-free transaction from their viewpoint. In fact, they can ONLY come out ahead because of the free bonuses.

Here’s an example:

What I’m saying is, you can’t lose when you order this product. The absolute worst thing that will happen is you’ll get your money back AND get to keep $XXX of free bonuses just for trying. The only way you can lose is if you don’t do anything. Remember, the only reason I can make this offer is because I’m so confident you’ll be thrilled and delighted with this product.

Step Eleven: Super fast Delivery!

Offer overnight, second day or digital delivery of your product.

People on the Internet are afraid you’ll never actually deliver a product to them. So the faster you can get it in their hands, the better. This is why I like digital delivery. You don’t have the lag time of mailing a physical product.

Unless you’re a corporation with a recognized, established name, I recommend you offer expedited delivery to remove fears of not receiving a product.

Before I offered digitally delivered products, I took a survey of prospects to find out why they didn’t order. I found out that a surprising number were simply afraid of getting blatantly ripped off. That’s why fast delivery is important.

Remove the fear of not receiving a product by offering overnight or two-day delivery.

When you do this, you’ll also take advantage of the spontaneous buying impulse. You know why supermarkets place high-profit items on the end of aisles? Because they know people will stuff the items in their cart on impulse. By placing them in the highly visible slot at the end of the aisle, they take advantage of this impulse buying.

Step Twelve: Currency Conversion!

Provide a means for overseas customers to convert your price to their currency.

This should be a standard item in your copy. If you want to sell more to overseas prospects, provide a link to an overseas currency converter.

I used to offer a link for currency conversion. But in the current rendition of my sales letter, I don’t. The reason is, I’m scared to link to anything that might take people away from my sales letter.

This is a good concept to test out. For one month use a currency conversion link and count your overseas orders. Another month leave it off and compare the totals.

Step Thirteen: The P.S.! Continued in the next blog post….

If you’re interested in learning more about Marlon Sanders and his products, visit:

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