Part 4a
Hover over Profile and select “Edit Profile.” We’ll be brought to a page that looks like this: image=”11150″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” ] One point to remember as we go through our profile – everything we do here can be edited, so feel free to experiment a bit with your text and pictures to see what gets the best response.
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The big blue box at the top is LinkedIn’s way of helping us set up our profile page. This will disappear once we fill out our profile, or we can just hit the “skip” option at the bottom left of the box.
For the sake of making our profile page look like it will the rest of the time once the blue box is gone we’re going to close the blue box (however feel free to use the blue box as your guide to setting up your profile page).
Without the blue box our page looks like this:
Outsourced accountant … With a minimum of 50 hours per month only, you can have a dedicated professional accountant on a fixed-fee basis! image=”11151″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” ] Let’s start with the photo. Since this is our personal page we’re going to want a picture of us, not our company logo or graphic. We need a fairly close head-shot of us looking professional. Since LinkedIn is ultra-professional what we don’t want is a goofy type of picture that might be okay as our Facebook or Twitter profile picture.
The rest of the info in this box is text. Hovering over any bit of text lets us edit it by clicking the pencil graphic that shows up.
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In the same box as our profile picture is our name. Immediately below our name is some text detailing our job titles. We recommend you put in all of your titles here, even if you wear multiple hats that don’t necessarily have anything to do with each other.
Still within that top box we can edit our current place of employment, our education, and we can add past places of employment.
The number at the bottom right shows the number of connections we have.
The big blue “View your profile” button allows us to see our profile page as visitors would see it.
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And finally at the very bottom right of this box is a button that lets us update our contact info. Pressing this lets us update our email addresses, connect a Twitter account (to make our Tweets show up on LinkedIn), add websites, add an IM address, and so on. We’ll get a bit more in depth into the Contact section in a little bit.
Moving down to the next set of boxes, Photo and Summary, we find a “View More” option. Pressing that gives us a whole bunch of boxes of items that LinkedIn suggests we fill in to make our profile more appealing:
image=”11152″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” ]