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Save Money Through Communication

According to a 2015 survey, it was unveiled that over fifty percent of employees express dissatisfaction with their work environment. More concerning is the fact that sixty-one percent reported they were uninformed about their company’s mission.

  • 57% don’t feel like they’re recognised for their progress.
  • 53% don’t feel recognised for their achievements.
  • 60% don’t feel like they receive timely feedback from their managers.

The statistics reveal a significant concern with potential ramifications for your business, as 50.4% of study participants anticipated exiting their current roles within the upcoming year from the date of our survey. Given that the recruitment expenditure associated with every new hire can escalate up to $3,500, this high rate of employee turnover could have serious implications on the financial stability and profitability of small to medium-sized enterprises.

The costs of poor communication

The data presented above essentially indicates a critical desire amongst employees for enhanced communication. Employees seek to foster an active sense of involvement within their respective organisations, coupled with the expectation that their employers likewise reciprocate interest in employee’s individual ambitions and development. The absence of such mutual engagement can potentially result in personnel seeking opportunities outside the current company environment.

Inadequate communication doesn’t merely result in an information deficit. It inadvertently paves the way for employees to rely on assumptions to fill their knowledge gaps, which can potentially evolve into harmful practices over time. Furthermore, it is unlikely that any employee would appreciate being subjected to criticism after task completion without having received requisite guidance or feedback during the process itself.

Furthermore, when employees lack comprehensive understanding of their organisation’s overarching objectives, they may perceive their contributions as disappearing into a void rather than aiding in the construction of something substantial.

Improve communication to boost productivity

So what can your business do to avoid the above pitfalls?

Our objective is to foster a bond of trust between senior management and team members. We are dedicated to ensuring that each employee feels his or her contributions have a significant impact towards the organisation’s goals. It’s crucial they understand there will be no unexpected, unmerited criticism due to inefficiency in feedback systems.

First, build communication right into your schedule.

Ensure that all interactions with your employees are not merely sporadic checks, but are instead, systematic and consistent meetings at scheduled intervals. It is important to underline the purpose of these sessions as platforms for constructive feedback rather than avenues for detailed oversight, which can be overwhelming. Converse with your team members routinely to verify if they require any additional resources that could streamline their tasks effectively. Seek confirmation on whether the workforce has a lucid understanding of their expected workflow procedures. Foster an inclusive environment where employees feel encouraged to approach you in case of any ambiguity regarding job expectations.

Second, fit the right person to the right job. 

Tricking people into thinking you’re hiring them for one job only to switch them into a different position is a sure-fire way to build resentment.

Third, your employees should benefit if the company benefits.

In recent years, numerous enterprises have endured considerable hardships due to the economic downturn. The workforce within these organisations recognised and acknowledged that financial restrictions were necessary during such challenging periods. As your company now charts a course towards recovery, it is crucial to prioritise restoring employees’ pre-crisis salaries and benefits. It may foster discontent if workers observe the organisation steadily gaining momentum while their personal financial constraints remain unalleviated – particularly considering their pivotal role in steering the company through difficult times.

Fourth, hold a consistent line when it comes to both rewards and critiques. 

Playing favourites is a sure way to build distrust.

Fifth, make sure your managers understand that they are there to help make their team’s jobs easier. 

Their objective is to empower their personnel, abstaining from unnecessary supervision and criticism. Regularly scheduled encounters between the management and team members considerably contribute to achieving this end.

Finally, do your own part to enable your employees to get their work done. 

They want to do good work for you, but they’re going to feel like you don’t care about their contributions if, for example, you don’t hustle to repair or replace faulty equipment. Slim down or cut out pointless report-filling that can cut into the employee’s productivity and focus your energy (or that of your managers) into making it as easy as possible for your people to get their work done.

Good communication = a healthier bottom line

When employees are confident that they can channel their full vitality into delivering exceptional work, rather than perpetually fearing potential repercussions from Human Resources, their productivity significantly improves.

This approach not only allows you to curtail expenses associated with replacing dissatisfied staff, but it also serves as an attractive incentive for top-tier employees to join smaller enterprises that may not have the financial capacity to match the salary scales of their more prominent competitors.

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