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Expertise is Marketing

Here are a few low-cost or no-cost marketing strategies for brand new start-up accountants:

  1. Utilise social media: Create profiles for your firm on popular platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. Share valuable content related to accounting, such as tips for small businesses or updates on tax laws.
  2. Network with local businesses: Attend networking events, join business organisations, and volunteer your services to local nonprofits. Building relationships with other business owners can lead to valuable referrals.
  3. Offer free consultations: Show potential clients the value you can provide by offering free initial consultations. This can help you build trust and demonstrate your expertise.
  4. Collaborate with other professionals: Partner with lawyers, financial advisors, or other professionals who serve the same target market. They may be able to refer clients to you in exchange for your referrals.
  5. Write guest blog posts: Offer to write guest blog posts for other websites or publications in your niche. This can help you reach a new audience and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

Remember, marketing is an investment in the future success of your firm. By taking the time to promote your services and expertise, you can attract new clients and grow your business.

Social media

We previously discussed the importance of joining existing social networks, such as those on LinkedIn and Facebook. Should a group pertinent to your chosen niche not be in existence yet, consider taking the initiative to establish one.

To clarify, these social media groups are designed not for direct accounting purposes but rather to facilitate networking within your specific industry. They serve as platforms for individuals within that sector to connect with each other and recognize you as an expert who consistently shares valuable accounting advice. Therefore, instead of naming the group something like “Melbourne Accounting Group,” it would be more strategic to name it “Melbourne Start-up Support Group.” In this way, you position yourself as a knowledgeable resource by providing insightful accounting-related information within the context of that broader group.

Write a book

You can compile the valuable accounting insights that you have provided in various instances and undertake two potential initiatives: A) authoring a book, and B) developing service packages tailored to assist individuals in your chosen niche who are grappling with financial challenges as they establish their businesses.

If the prospect of writing a book seems overwhelming, rest assured that it is more manageable than it may appear. Clients seek your straightforward, practical advice rather than literary prowess; thus, presenting your guidance in an accessible and coherent format will suffice.

Amazon offers downloadable book templates to simplify formatting requirements. Additionally, you could engage a professional editor for approximately $200 to refine the content and hire a graphic designer for around the same fee to create compelling visual elements. Furthermore, if necessary, employing ghostwriters is an option – you would provide all essential information and perform final reviews while allowing them to handle the actual writing process.

Create niche-oriented services

Service packages represent an organised selection of services tailored to the specific needs of your target audience, offered at a consolidated price.

We recommend structuring multiple tiers of service packages, guiding clients towards the option that delivers optimal profitability with minimal effort on your part. One effective strategy is to position one package at a higher price point to make another more desirable tier appear particularly advantageous—thereby encouraging clients to choose the most beneficial option for both them and your business.

Give talks and seminars

The subsequent progression involves delivering presentations to the local audience within your selected industry. Initially, these sessions may be offered on a complimentary basis or at a nominal fee sufficient to cover venue rental expenses. By hosting and facilitating these discussions, you inherently establish yourself as an authority and expert in your field. As your reputation solidifies, you will have the opportunity to incrementally increase your fees.

For businesses that predominantly operate remotely or online, virtual talks can still be conducted via the internet. Numerous platforms are available that facilitate effective online presentations and webinars.

Ask your clients to spread the word (referrals and testimonials)

Engage your existing clients to contribute to your marketing efforts by requesting referrals and testimonials. Incorporate referral requests as a formal agenda item in your meetings. Additionally, seek their agreement to provide recommendations.

There are two primary types of testimonials: written and video. Video testimonials tend to be more impactful. If clients consent to recording a video for you, consider enhancing the production with professional lighting. Hiring a local video team or film students can be an affordable option.

Should you prefer not to hire external help, research “three-point lighting” for guidance on achieving a more polished appearance than flat lighting provides. Ensure there is adequate space behind the client during filming; avoid having them sit too close to walls.

In situations where in-person recordings are impractical—such as with remote clients—even videos recorded via webcam carry significantly greater influence compared to written testimonials.

In any case, kindly request that they highlight a specific issue or two that you effectively resolved for them. This approach is more impactful than a generic endorsement like “<your name here> is great” because it allows individuals within your target niche to recognize and relate to the same challenges they are currently encountering, and immediately understand how you facilitated their resolution.

Establishing yourself as an authority in a specialised area of accounting serves as a potent marketing asset. Moreover, achieving this recognition doesn’t necessitate substantial financial investment. Leverage your expertise and knowledge to attract prospective clients by showcasing the value you bring through problem-solving excellence.

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